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27 October 2005
mel gibson donating money to mexico
What the hell is wrong with Mel?

Apparently Mel Gibson donated 2 million dollars to Mexican President Vicente Fox to help with relief efforts after the damage was done with hurricane Katrina. He did all of that without wearing a pair of socks during the whole time he spoke with el Presidente. Ok, that's great and all, but seriously, was Mel hanging out with his terrorist buddies at Guantanamo Bay for the last 2 years? Or is he just working on his new movie: "Passion of the Hussein"?

Side note: I'm not sure who reads this and sees me a lot, but I recently grew out a beard for just under a month. And let me tell you, I was no where close to what Mel has going. That's pretty damn impressive if you ask me. Maybe something to shoot for .... I might be able to get it done right before the wedding ....