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The joys of turning 21

01 March 2006
Last night/this morning at midnight, Jenni officially turned 21. We were reminded of this when we got to The Downtown, and they made us wait those extra 6 minutes until she could officially enter. All in all, it was a good night, and a very good night for Adam because he had no puke to clean up, and didn't have to take care of a sick Jenni.

I'm just writing this because her hour of power fell on a pretty sweet night at the bars: Mardi Gras. Sure it's Mardi Gras in Lincoln, but nonetheless, the bars were pretty packed, and made for a great first night experience.

I loved having mine when I did, it was nice having it a little more peaceful. I just never thought of people celebrating theirs on a night when something big was going on. I guess having it on St. Patty's Day or on New Years or ___________ (fill in the blank because I'm too tired to think of something else) would be a pretty sweet way to celebrate as well.

Everyone cross your fingers for the Huskers to win tonight. If not, everyone cross your fingers that we get a really, really good coach next year.