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Where the beer flows like wine ...

16 October 2006
trees changing colors in aspen

This is the view that Christi told me that I missed by about two weeks. She went to Aspen at the beginning of October and said that the aspen trees there were a highlight yellow, so I was absolutely pumped to go. So we get there, and there are about 5 trees that look like this in the whole town. But, considering that we were in Aspen, it really didn't matter. The town is awesome. I just can't wait until the mountains get a little more snow on them and we can go stock up on some winter gear and go skiing.

If anyone who's reading this has a chance to visit, make sure that you go to the J Bar and get an Aspen Crud. It's quite delicious.

Also around the country, I heard that Steph is on a quest to bring back that VanKat guy to Nebraska. Talking about Nebraska, back home, Zach apparently rocked the MCAT that he took in August. Many beers will be flowing when I see him next. Props Martens, UNMC is right around the corner!