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People ... send in your invites

22 March 2007
If you're reading this, and still are holding an RSVP with the invite that Christi and I sent you, please send it in to us. If not, you'll probably get a phone call from us sometime this weekend so that we can get final numbers.

Wedding planning in the waning weeks (yep, we're under a month) is exhilarating. My dad went to pick up our supposedly engraved rings the other day, and they didn't engrave mine! Well, I guess that's why you try to get all of your stuff done earlier than the day before the wedding.

I feel like I haven't been able to blog as much as I have in the past lately. I'm also feeling that brianhelge.com needs to get bumped to a v5.0 face lift here pretty soon. Why not have 5 different looks in 2 years?

If this happens, it will obviously be coded with a wedding ring on, and will depend on the workload at Big Stone as well as how much time coaching takes up.