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Western regrets to Eastern Promises

05 October 2007
viggo in eastern promises
I'm not sure if it was Adam or Ned (or both) who told me that the movie Eastern Promises was good, but it definitely was not. Unfortunately, Zach, Kate, Christi and I sat through the 2+ hour film as we tried to figure out where our money just went.

For a background, the movie was about the Russian mafia. That premise alone would make you think it would be worth seeing, especially since Viggo Mortensen realistically looked like a mob syndicate that you didn't want to have an outstanding debt with. The movie was quite good until about 5 minutes into into it, and you find out that it's based in England.

So here's what we have so far: a Russian mafia movie based in England. Just because of that, all of the bloody gore in the world wouldn't make up for that type of plot. And they did try to deliver enough blood by slitting throats, chopping off fingers and delivering one of the best naked bathhouse knife fights ever filmed. I'm pretty sure that it's the greatest because no one else would spend millions of dollars thinking that a naked bathhouse knife fight could save their movie.

The bottom line was that it didn't. I haven't wrote personal reviews on movies in a while because we really haven't gone to one in quite some time. With this, I hope that if I ever write about one in the future, it will be much better than this.

My apologies, Zach & Kate.