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This made me sick

14 October 2007
husker 'fans' leaving memorial stadium early

Sorry this isn't a high resolution picture, but I really didn't think NU-OSU was a game to bring a camera to. With that, my camera phone picture above should suffice.

This picture was taken towards the end of the 4th quarter of yesterday's game. Look how many people have already exited the stadium. 75% or so of the student section is gone, and had been since half time, and another 50% of east stadium had already headed out because we were losing.

This means that these season ticket holders, most of which for 10+ years, couldn't even stick it out to cheer on their team to the end of the game. Who cares if your team isn't winning? Who cares if your team just took a beating from OSU ... at home ... on homecoming? That doesn't matter.

If you're a Husker fan, you stick it out. You cheer on your team until the end of the game. Husker fans don't leave early. That's for fair-weather fans and other schools that don't have traditions or the greatest fans in the country. We can't win the national championship every year. Even though we've had success in the past, that doesn't mean that you'll have it in the future.

I was at the '97 Missouri game, and saw over 80% of the Husker fans head out through the gates before our last drive. Even at an away game, I remembered how horrible it felt to see your own fans give up on your team, most of which exiting right before our final drive. Stick around. Be a Husker fan. It means more than just winning.