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23 June 2008
danny nee hall of fame
I saw this article last night and couldn't believe that it was real. It wasn't until later today that mom emailed me and reminded me.

Danny Nee is going to be inducted into the Nebraska Basketball Hall of Fame. Danny Nee people! I know that he's the winningest coach in school history, but coming from Nebraska, that's really no great feat.

Don't get me wrong. I love the guy to death, but never in my wildest dreams did I think he'd be inducted to the Nebraska Basketball HOF. Or any HOF for that matter. I was lucky enough to go to a ton of games growing up and watched Nee at every chance I got. I was probably one of only a few people that liked him (even if it were for the wrong reasons) at the Bob.

I always joked with my parents that one day they will rename the floor to the "Danny Nee Court." Now, the process is in motion and it just may be a matter of time. Those autographs that I wrote about a while ago might actually be worth more than the paper they were scribbled on. Well, not really.

Danny Nee is phase 1. Phase 2 will be complete when Jaron Boone gets his acceptance letter to join this elite club.