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On the things I'll truly miss

09 September 2008
Husker Football
I know UConn has an up and coming football team, but nothing will compare to game days in Lincoln. I'll definitely miss the atmosphere and will have to strategically plan trips back to Nebraska while the Huskers have a home game. Luckily enough, going to game is something that I have grown accustom to, and now I'll be one of those poor saps shelling out $30 per weekend to see if I can watch the game from our house (per wife's approval, obviously).

The Hospitality
Two weekends ago, the good state of Nebraska reminded me one of the main reasons that we moved away from the upscale people near Aspen. First, Christi and I have been trying to go out to a lot of the local places that we will miss. On Sunday, we went to Lazlo's and let the waitress know up front that we had nothing planned for the night and that we wanted a nice relaxing night. No worries on how fast the food comes out or how many times she comes to the table. So we order and wait, and wait and wait some more. But, we're in no big rush. All the sudden, our main entrees come out before our appetizer. We remind them it's no big deal, and our correct order came out a few minutes later. Once we were done with that and our meal came out again and we began to eat. Half way through, the manager comes out and apologizes many times over for how we were treated during our stay there. He said our meal was on the house and to have a wonderful night. Regardless to say, our waitress received a nice tip for the night.

The next day, on Labor Day, I went back to Seward to golf with Dad and clean my room (finally) for mom. Dad and I played 18 holes, had 6 beers and bought a bag of range balls to straighten out my drives. Total cost? 22 Dollars. You've gotta love small town USA. Cheap golf and the 4th of July won't be the same out on the east coast.

Cheap Gas?
Looking at some stuff online, and my short experience out there, Connecticut is always one of the national leaders for gas prices. When I went out, gas was between 50-60 cents higher than Omaha. It'll be weird to say that I miss gas that costs $3.50 per gallon. But then again with Christi working at home, and having my drive time shorter than it is here, we'll actually save a ton of money (and miles on our cars) while we're out there.

The house on Dewey Circle
When we moved back (less than a year ago), we found an amazing house in a down market and got an absolute steal on it. It would have been an amazing investment ... if we lived there for the next five to ten years. Regardless, the wife and I will miss our 3,500 sq. ft. and will have to realize we won't find something with half the size for the same price (or more). Also, Stanley will definitely miss the yard that he grew up in. How many other yards will he be able to kill babby bunnies (yes, that just happened) and then eat tomatoes out of our garden (probably to get rid of the taste of the fur)?

Friends and Family
Family and close friends, as well as the Glenwood Springs Target store being horrible, are the reasons that we are where we are right now. We could have chosen to stay in Colorado or venture out somewhere else, but having great friends near us and being able to see our family whenever we wanted were reasons enough to make the short trek back to the home state. We are also fully aware that the Sunday night dinners that we plan to put on out there will in no way match the ones that we're used to at gma's house.