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The house is packed, sold

14 September 2008
helge's are moving
A year ago today, we drove the UHaul from Colorado and moved back to Nebraska. Our intention was to move back and stay here for a long time. But, as many of you know, those plans have changed. Tomorrow, 366 days from the last state we were in, we'll start up the Jeep and begin our journey out east. We'll make a stop in Fort Wayne, In to crash at my cousin Jared's house and then drive into Connecticut on Tuesday.

We'll have a camera and computer when we get there, so if there are any interesting stories or things we saw along the way, I'll try to get them up when I get into town.

The amazing news about our move is that we sold our house a few days ago. Our realtor was absolutely amazing and we sold it in about a month since we first put it up on the market. Not too bad considering the crazy market that we're in.

Work at ESPN starts on Monday, so I'll try to get a few posts in while I can. We'll miss everyone here, but will be excited about the new journey ahead ...