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No posts in a while

26 October 2008
I'm very sorry for the lack of posts on here. With the new job, moving into a new place and concentrating my time on the new look for this site, I really haven't spent much time writing anything. In short, here's what's been going on in the past few weeks:

Donna came to visit us and brought Beth along as a nice surprise that we weren't expecting. We had a great few day with them while they were here. On their full first day in town, they came to work to take the official tour at ESPN. What was supposed to be a 30 minute tour took around 1.45 to finish. We were lucky enough to have Doug Flutie and John Saunders shooting a promo on the football field in the middle of campus. We watched from the production room and saw how they make all of the calls down to them and how they shoot each segment. From there, we continued on and eventually made our way to the large wall that houses all of the Emmy awards. While there, Doug walks right past our group and says hi to everyone. It seemed, at the time, that the tour guide and myself were the only people who recognized who he was.

When we got home, I asked Christi if she knew who the guy in the college football promo and the guy who said hi was. She said, "Of course I do." Not believing in her mid-80s college football knowledge, I said, "OK, who was it?"

"What is it? Doug Flutes?"
"That's close enough. His last name is Flutie. Do you know what team he played on?"
"Yeah. Boston college."
"Alright, good. What's he known for?"
"A long touchdown pass at the end of a game."
(at this point I was completely impressed, but I pushed further)
"I'm impressed. Here's your trivia question: what team did he beat with the hail mary?"
"Florida? ... no, a team from Florida ... like Miami."

At this point, she confirmed to me once again that we made the right move to travel half way across the country to give me an opportunity with ESPN.

So, like I was saying, we had a great time with Donna and Beth. They came a few days after we moved into our new place. We finally have it organized the way we want it and now are beginning to put up a few Halloween decorations.

I still owe a ton of people pictures, so those will be coming very shortly. I was going to do it today, but Christi said the house wasn't clean enough. Personally, I think the place looks great, but I have to go now and pick some stuff up so we can take pictures. Soon. Very soon. I promise.