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The end of The Bob?

12 November 2008
west haymarket arena
Since I don't check up on the local happenings that much since we moved out east, I miss some pretty big announcements. Like the one about the new West Haymarket Arena.

I know that you need to have the latest and greatest facilities to attract fans and new recruits, but how can you get rid of The Bob? Just think of what kind of horrible experience the college kids will have when they camp out and wait for the Kansas game a day early. They need to earn that front row seat by standing on freezing concrete for 20+ hours and listening to people like Holbein call up the Embassy Suites at 3am and asking for "Jeffrey Graves." When the hotel operator actually patched him through, you just heard him yelling "All night long Graves. ALLLLL NIGHHTTTTT LONGGGG!!!!!"

I'm sure they'll still camp out, but with people cutting out of line to grab some fries at Lazlo's, it won't be the same. It won't be the same at all.

But, in the long run, if this can attract more recruits and start dumping bodies in the seats, then I'm all for it. Just as long as gma, mom and dad don't lose their killer seats. There's nothing like going to a game and listening to Matt Davidson tell you about which bars he's planning to hit up when he's done chatting it up with Kent Pavelka. (Yes, if you click that link, that's me in the background of the 2nd picture wearing my "Nebraska Engineering" shirt. I couldn't be more proud to make Kent's professional website)