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Fishing in January

17 January 2010
fish tape overview
No, I didn't go to a tropical paradise (I wish) to go fishing at this time of year. No, we're not drilling holes in any lakes up here to go ice fishing. I'm talking about fish tape. This might be an instructional post to a few people reading this. I found out absolutely nobody in Connecticut knew what I was talking about when I told them about fish tape, and almost everyone in Nebraska knew what it was. Obviously, this isn't one of those regional pop/soda/coke type of debates, it's just that people didn't know what it was.

For those who don't, fish tape is made up of thin steel that allows you to thread it easily through walls. Most electricians use it, and most people named Brian Helge use it when they drop their surround sound speaker into the wall. As you can see from the image, there is no easy way to get a wire when you're hole is near the ceiling.

So, this is what you do: