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Cape Cod

17 August 2010
cape cod feast with steak and lobsters

A few weekends ago we were fortunate enough to head up with Scott and Anne to the Cape for an extended weekend. Since it was the first time for Christi and I, we really didn't know what to expect, but it proved to be a great time and we can see why it gets so crowded up there on the weekends.

The first night everyone assembled an amazing meal highlighted by live lobsters and some ribeyes from Nebraska. We even assembled a lobster race, but two of them started going backwards and I don't think any went further than a few inches. Maybe it was the tile floor or maybe it was the boiling water in their ears, but either way, I don't think I'd ever put any money down on a lobster if someone asked me to.

There was a lot of good beer, some great mini-golf courses (where apparently you have to have the last name of Connor to win) and a nice relaxing day on the beach.

To top it off, we went whale watching on the first day. After the video below was shot, the captain started chasing after a fin whale. We got to see it breach for a few seconds, then returned home. After recently getting hooked on Whale Wars, I found out a fin whale is worth one million dollars to the whale poachers from Japan. Apparently it was a pretty rare sighting.