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No more sweet modded computer

02 March 2011
computer i modded before going to college
In 2001, I took a Dell computer that I had sitting at home and basically stripped everything out of it. I can't remember exactly, but I want to say the only things that survived were the processor, hard drive and RAM. Then I bought a new case, parts and built the rest from scratch. Although it was much easier to replace parts that burnt out, I was shocked to see the same computer last for 10 years. That was, until we replaced it a month ago.

It's not that it died, but moreso that it was dying and quickly on it's way out the door. My power supply was tanking to the point where we left the computer on for a few months straight just because we weren't sure if we turned it off that it would ever be able to start back up again. With Christi working from home, obviously it's a major concern to have a reliable computer at all times.

Technically, I like to say that it still works. Christi somewhat agrees, but always points out that a computer running a good 60-70 dB quitter is much better for her work environment. When I hooked up the new computer, at times I didn't think it was working since I couldn't hear it. I guess when you replace two massive external fans (complete with awesome Marvel fan covers; shown above) with a computer that's brand new with one internal fan, there's really no comparison.

So with that, I'm bidding adieu to the computer that I basically learned everything on.