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How cool would this be?

30 October 2014
alternate halloween field logo
So I might have stolen this idea from a different team, but with the Blackshirts logo, I'm really surprised Nebraska has never played this up more during Halloween. I sure know I have.

The other night I was watching ECU play their last game before Halloween and they updated their already awesome midfield logo to reflect more for Halloween:

Obviously my mocks are crude as I'm a developer, not a designer, but if someone has an "in" with the marketing department at UNL, let's run with this one! Pumpkin carving starts tonight at the Helge household and after four straight designs of Husker pumpkins (2009, 2010, 2012 and 2013), I have absolutely no clue what I'm going to do tonight!

larger field view

No posts for a couple of months, but looking to ramp that back up soon ...