Well, I did land some good money from the Husker Home Run Club web site that I made. But the fact that my job doesn't start until August puts me in a predicament here. I need to find a job for the next 2.5 months to stay on my feet (so to say). The ideal thing would be to find a couple of web sites to do over the summer, but I'm not sure how likely that'll be. So, I might just have to sit here, be unemployed, and maybe pick up "the star" and see what kind of jobs they have to offer in there.
Omaha Day: Kind of a bust. I think the only thing that got accomplished was that we went to the Creighton game. Everything kinda fell apart. I was disappointed, but now it's going to be a lot easier to have Seward Day be better than Omaha Day. I think Omaha Day is tentatively scheduled for a later date in time, so hopefully we can make it all work out.